Saturday, May 2, 2015

Start Your Day with Positive Ritual

When I wake up in the morning, the very first thing I do is check my email. 
Reading every message can be demanding and time consuming, but you can't avoid it. The urgency for completing the tasks calls… aaand my day begins. The daily pile of important tasks keeps growing, so I am forced to start my day in a quick rush. 
No time for leisure coffee or chat as my day is, in fact, a fight with the time and delays, and I get the feeling how the productive day is slowly but surely fading away.

Well, I should have known better how to start my day, since it is not that hard to avoid this false and tensioned start of the day. Let`s go over it again.

I get up early in the morning, have a cup of coffee, and chat with my friends or colleagues, check my mails and see what`s ahead of me for the day, thinking that it is gonna be a busy day, yet I have a smile on my face.

You may wonder why. Something tells me that there is no need to feel powerless, weak, as MarkO may be the new Superman from today on.

What you need to do and why him? Pay a visit on your play store, search for MarkO and hit download. Configure him and let the show begin. 

Type each and every single thing you need to do for the day, pin point a location to them, search a location in the offered categories, share the task with your colleagues or friends or family and leave the rest to MarkO. He will notify you in the right place at the right time to pay the rent for the office or sent the letter of invitation to your investitures for a new project …

Make a structured day; begin your day with a positive morning ritual and feel that cheek muscles forming a wide smile. Have MarkO by your side and plan your day. ;)

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